Why European Countries Switch to Paper Straw ? For Country Turns Against Plastic Straw ?

Can Paper Straw Replace the Plastic Straw?


Did you know ?

The world produces about 10 billion tons of waste per year, which is equivalent to six times the world’s grain output and 14 times the steel output.

    The news is from BBC:https://www.bbc.com/news/uk-wales-48038130

As BBC News reported:

Because of the “Plastic limit order” in the UK, McDonald’s has been the forerunner with their action. The UK and Ireland paper straw roll-out will be completed in 2019 and follows many businesses, including Waitrose, Costa Coffee, Wagamama and JD Wetherspoon pubs.

McDonald’s says they are “pleased” to be “taking significant steps to reduce our environmental impact”. .

One of McDonald’s paper straw suppliers says the product will evolve as the fledgling industry develops.

Why do people hate plastic straw in recent yeas ?

  • With the continuous development of anti-plastic concepts, plastic straws have been severely criticized.
  • At the same time, many substitutes of plastic products jumped into the market.
  • The waste caused by plastic straws is really incalculable, and environmental pollution is also increasingly serious after disposal.
  • In the United States alone, people lose 500 million straws a day. According to “One Less Straw“, these straws can be connected around the earth two and a half times.


Why do people love paper straw more and more ?

  • The paper straw is made of paper and is an environmentally friendly straw.
  • After a few months of use, it can be degraded and disappeared into the soil.
  • Will not cause any pollution to the environment,
  • More conducive to green sustainable development

How about the use of the paper straws around the world?

More and more plastic straws and similar products that have been discarded at random have begun to burden the environment, and paper straws have gradually emerged due to their recyclability.

The paper straw is an environmentally friendly straw that degrades and disappears into the soil after a few months of use. The global paper straw market is geographically divided into North America, including Japan’s Asia Pacific region, Latin America, Eastern Europe, Western Europe, the Middle East and North Africa.

How to produce high-quality paper straw?

There are Six Main Parts for completing the paper straw production process,Here we give you videos for whole line to know how it is working.


Automatic Paper Straw Making Machine

6 Parts for Making Paper Straw

Jumbo roll stands
4~6 stands, for making 4 ply paper straw.

Glue Tank
Gluing the jumbo roll.

Rolling device
Rolling the paper straw.

 For meeting the hot trend of the paper straw market,after research and development,Jori Automatic Paper Straw Making Machine strives to produce the paper straw which has sufficient hardness and the elasticity like plastic straw.

Fundamentally, the use of paper straws is our customer’s choice, but for us, it is important to provide another option for customers.

Wide Range of Applications of Toilet Tissue Paper

To produce paper straw has been recognised as one of the fastest developing business in world.

For beverage take-out,
Banquet dinner,
Family hospitality,
Drinking of coffee, alcohol, soy milk, etc.
DIY handmade

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